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Monday 26 January 2009 @11:30 pm

There are so many things to be updated. I don’t remember which ones come first. But one thing for sure, second semester of school had ended. This means, year 1 had ended. It felt very fast. I am glad it is over. Thinking back on how hard it was in my first semester of school, how I felt like I was being pushed into the ocean by force without any willingness from my side. It all started too soon but ended so fast. On another note, I felt like I hadn’t bonded enough with my second semester’s classmates. It was my fault, I admit. But I don’t want to talk about it. I have to admit that at some point of the second semester, I felt like I miss my first semester’s classmates. Look at how weird things can get. Humans are never satisfied.

Another update, I am currently working at Sentosa as an event host for Sentosa Flowers event. I’m doing crowd control. It is pretty much an easy job but it is definitely tiring. Under the hot sun if I am stationed at the beach, and standing for long hours. I will only be working there for one week, because it is a one week event. I am doing double shift tomorrow and God, I am still not asleep yet. I had to report at 830am at Sentosa, for goodness sake. Okay, hopefully I will wake up early.

Happy Lunar New Year to all my friends who celebrates it! May you have a joyous occasion with good luck and prosperity come knocking at your door.

Happy 4th month with us, Kiara; my little sweetheart. Look at how much you’ve grown and how active you’ve become. I know and everyone in the house knows how much you’re attached to me now. Big sister Kitty may be mean to you but I hope the hatred or whatever grudge she has towards you will eventually die off. It takes time, darling. Grow up fast and big, if possible, bigger than her so you can fight her back. You’ll be in my heart, always. You’re loved by me, no matter what. Mark my words. =)

Kiara, sleeping on my leg.

Saturday 17 January 2009 @2:27 am

My current state: hungry.

Let’s start off from Thursday’s event. AltCapsLock’s outing was incredible. I enjoyed every minute of it. Had dinner at KFC then we went to this place at Parkview Square. It is such a nice place. The weather adds on to the effect of the surrounding, making everything looks into place. We sat at that place for about an hour or so. I didn’t look at the time because the company was just great. Took a lot of pictures, had a hell lot of fun and laughter. I’m waiting patiently for Ad to send us the pictures. I think we change our band’s name. Is it now “Tin Tin and the Backgrounds”? Lol!

There was a funny/scary moment that happened before we reached Parkview Square. We walked past this escalator that can bring us underground towards Bugis MRT Station. I didn’t really see what happen but right after I heard the sound of the escalator moving, I heard a loud scream. I screamed too and ran down the small flight of stairs, away from the escalator. What happened was that the sound of the escalator moving was like the sound of some mean machine activating itself. What makes it scary was that the place looks so dark and haunted. Therefore, we screamed (except for Kaye. Shai, did you scream? Ad’s scream was the loudest). For once, I felt like a terrified girly girl.

Nothing much happen today but the best part was that I met a lot of people though I spent quite a little amount of time with them. Still, it was worthwhile.

I realized that I had been spending quite a lot of my school time with Suhailah, my Gamelan IG mate. One of the reasons is probably because we shared some common interest. =)

Last but not least, thank you Mark, for giving me the platform to take the first step to get to know her. I want to be optimistic but I don’t want to be a victim of false hope. Such an interesting person, I wouldn’t want to miss knowing a person like that.

Thursday 15 January 2009 @1:39 am

As the days and weeks go by, I’ve been getting really tired. I’m not trying to complain but I just want to state a fact. I’m hoping that this tiresome period will end with victory. Let this semester end with a good note, and make me feel that I deserve this break in the end. I don’t want to worry too much about having to repeat module. For all I am hoping for, I want to “party” during this coming holiday.

I was late for UT and there is no way that I could make it on time within those first 15 minutes. I ended up having brunch at Arts Bite with Suhailah, my Gamelan IG mate. As the time came close to 11am, I felt really lazy to go to class and we agreed to go somewhere else. To make the story short, we got to know that we were not alone who skip class for the day. In total, there were six of us. Hiding in that room, we got online, slacked, sleep and played instruments. One of the best things that we did for the day was play hide-and-seek. Getting stares from people, screamed at by the cleaners and jokingly threatened by our trainer, it’s all for the sake of fun. I claim this day as one of the best class-skipping days of my life in RP. =)

I came to class in the morning for first and second meeting but I had to leave during second break and skip third meeting. My cousin needs help and nobody is able to so I never fail to come to the rescue. Went back home first to help carry her stuffs before leaving the house again to HarbourFront. She boarded the bus at 3pm and then I went to “window shop” for less than an hour at VivoCity. And then I make my way back to school for IG training. So now, as I typed this entry, the atmosphere in my house is quiet and still. My cousin and her two little brats are no longer here for another month or so.

Thursday, January 15th
’s 3rd year band anniversary. There’s nothing I can say or do that will make you see how much you mean to me. Every person that I am given the chance to know leaves a footprint in my heart. As for my ACL darlings, I’m surprised at how much I can be myself when I am around you girls. You girls stripped me down bare and naked and no matter how idiotic I can be, or how I feel like I am no good, you girls still give me the courage and drive. It doesn’t matter if the jamming sucks or we didn’t really have a good time after dinner but what matters is knowing that we have company. I couldn’t have asked for more from you little ducklings. I definitely wouldn’t take you girls for granted. 3 years and rocking, my awesome rockstars!

So I can’t wait to meet up with my rockstar ducklings. It’s time to catch up!

Sunday 11 January 2009 @12:25 am

Saturday… Hmm.

Initial plan was to go back to school to catch the gig. Somehow I got carried away with online games that I forgot about the time. Sorry to those that I said I was coming.

Later that evening, went to Junction 8 with my niece. Walked around here and there, trying to find the clothes that I wanted. I think we spent 3 hours or so. At the end of the day, I bought for myself a black cropped cardigan from Esprit. It was on 50% discount. My original plan to get a short sleeved cropped cardigan was dumped when I lay my eyes on that Esprit cardigan. In the first place, I wanted to get a cropped cardigan with buttons but this new cardigan seems okay. I don’t need to button them; all I need is to tie them up.

Jamming with Angels and Kings on Sunday. This time at Bugis since Backbeats Studio is still not up for business yet. Hopefully next week they’ll be ready. I like the comfort at Backbeats where everything is good. Alternate CapsLock’s 3rd year band anniversary is this Thursday, January 15th. Shai is up with wrist injury so we can’t jam. Instead, we’re going to have a dinner followed by intimate session with one another. I really want it to be good, girls. Hoping to see you girls this Thursday!

Angels and Kings. *credits: Kaye.C*

AltCapsLock. One of the best first few band pictures.

Another great band picture. You don't know how much I appreciate you girls. :)

The back part of my upper body is aching and I do not know why. Maybe I need to rest more? Okay, I don’t know how much more rest I needed. On Friday, when I went home, I was thrown with a terrible headache. Don’t come telling me that I did not have enough food because I did eat. Whatever it is, I’m still sticking to my plan. 10 days and counting; I’m still doing well.

Thursday 8 January 2009 @11:56 pm

Hello wello! Happy 2009! A week had pass since we greeted the new year and I haven’t written about my thoughts. They are in the writing process, just that I haven’t had the time to myself to sit down and type it properly. To say what I really mean and all that stuffs. I do hope that everyone is doing well and is all good. Stay tune for another roller coaster ride through another year, guys!

There were some things that I had thought about for the year 2009. They were some sort of resolution but I wouldn’t really call it that. I just don’t want to. I don’t stick to resolutions, you see. Anyway, today is the eighth day and I am still sticking to the plan. It was quite tempting in the first place but so far, so good. I hope this continues and I’ll see how much more I can do.

Since the first day of new year, I had been pretty much busy; filling my days with activities. On the first day of new year, I baked cupcakes. It turned out well, to my surprise but for those who didn’t get to taste it, no worries, I’m planning to bake more during my school break. So make a date with me and I’ll bring it for you to have a taste.

Oh, I’d just like to mention this. After the new year celebration at Woodlands, I took the almost last train home. I felt kind of bad for leaving Esna behind while I run to catch that train. I mean, leaving a friend who’s a girl at midnight alone? Kind of scary, don’t you think? Especially if you know Esna. Anyway, I reached Bishan at around 1am. I know that there are no way there are going to be any last buses and if I were to take the night rider, it will cost a lot since the journey would only be 2 bus-stops away. I decided to walk then, since there were still people walking at the pathway. So now, I’ve broken my record. I walked from Bishan MRT Station to my house at 1am in the morning. And it was a pretty enjoyable walk, except for the path walking up the hill to my house; because that was the loneliest part of the journey.

I promise I will update more when I have the time. School is left with less than 2 weeks. After that, we will all be free!


Born in Singapore.
Raised in Singapore.
Still in Singapore.
21 years old.


spammers, you're here for my entertainment.
Leave if you hate it here.



1) Romance in 2010.
2) Laptop keyboard protector.
3) Water-proof windbreaker.
4) Watch Eclipse movie [June 2010]
5) "Fast Times At Barrington High" album [The Academy Is...]
6) "City Of Glass" book [author: Cassandra Clare]
7) Skateboard
8) Twilight DVD
9) Watch Twilight movie [Dec 18]
10) Watch New Moon movie [Dec 2009]
11) Black cat.
12) "Dewey" book [author: Vicki Myron]
13) "City Of Ashes" book [author: Cassandra Clare]
14) "Brand New Eyes" album [Paramore]
15) New handphone.
16) 2 new pair of jeans.
17) Laptop mouse.
18) Headphone.



Angels and Kings
Gamelan Naga Kencana

GNK Atiyah
GNK Suhailah
GNK Wahidah
Siti Nurulhuda


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
October 2010


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