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Monday 29 June 2009 @9:34 pm

It’s a school day but at 9am, I was still in bed. Why? I am on leave of absence. I received an SMS from the school on Saturday informing me that I was on LOA with effect from that day. When they sent me the SMS, I was outside. But since yesterday, I haven’t been out. It’s getting boring.

My first day of e-learning was kind of stressful. Logging in to VPN makes the Internet goes very slow. It was frustrating. I’d rather be in school and with everything going smoothly. I had to keep refreshing the discussion forum too, so as to keep updated with the posts. Other than that, you have to do your own first meeting template and worksheet on your own. And complete the quiz and RJ, at the end of the day. Good luck to you if you did not do your own research or ask around.

The best thing about being on LOA is, knowing that you don’t have to wake up early and trouble yourself to go to school. The feeling of contentment is there and you know you like the feeling.

I almost forgot to add that the school called me too, just to check on me if I’m feeling okay. They did not only call once but twice. First on my handphone and second, a call to my house. Did they call my house just to check if I’m at home? That I did not go out and have fun? Now that’s silly.

I think I should take this LOA thing with ease. It’s not that hard to stay relax, isn’t it? I know a lot of people out there who would beg to get LOA so, I should be happy. You can say I am resting at home but it doesn’t really feel like a rest. We should all hang in there. I’m taking each hour at a time.

Sunday 28 June 2009 @7:19 pm

I am here to announce that my red-ear slider, David, had been pronounced dead. He was named Godzilla last week with the belief that it will start growing as big as its buddy, Goliath. It hasn’t been eating for about a month and it seems like it was sick. Weak, vulnerable and anti-social, it had finally leaved its sadness and sorrows behind. When we first got it, it was the monster. Ripping live prawns into shreds and accidentally biting Goliath’s hand. I thought it was abusing its power, as it was stronger back then. Unfortunately, David did not kill the giant Goliath, as it goes in the bible story.

No, I wasn’t trying to make my terrapins fight. I just happen to name them David and Goliath. I’m guessing Goliath is female so it grew big faster. It’s a giant, compared to David.

Rest in peace, David. You were once a strong terrapin whom I admired. =)


1/4/09 – 28/6/09

Thursday 25 June 2009 @11:49 pm

For the past two nights, I had been falling asleep quite fast. I tried not to sleep too early and hold on to my senses that would stay awake. I had taken some drugs for my migraine on Wednesday and they started to kick in a few hours later. I had to tap out to staying awake and succumbed to my heavy eyes and soon to be unconscious mind.

Not much had happened lately except for the kids coming home on Tuesday. This house is no longer too quiet for me. It’s back to normal with unbearable sounds of screaming kids. Not forgetting, constant fighting and arguing with my oh-so-rude niece. Nevertheless, I’m glad to have my dysfunctional big family back.

So much had been happening in school too. Both interesting and some might say unfair news. Life has to move on, people. We’re not the ones to make the choice. Just hope for something bad to happen and you’ll get what you want. Be careful of what you wish for though, kids.

Today, I officially turn 20 years and 9 months old. 3 more months to my 21st birthday. Yet, there are two pending birthday parties for my friends. Oh dear.

Nothing much to say for now and it’s finally Friday tomorrow.

Monday 22 June 2009 @11:41 pm

Once again, Kiara my little darling scared the shits out of me. I caught her walking on the window’s ledge a while ago. I had to lure her back inside with her favourite canned food.

After the Ciko falling incident some years back, it got me weak whenever I see my cats showing off their balancing skills on the window’s ledge. Ciko’s fall was so terrible that I thought it was not going to make it. Stronger was I back then but the incident had made me more careful and a little more protective towards my cats. Kitty, the eldest so far, may have more experience sitting on the ledge but as for Kiara, she’s new. She hasn’t experience any falls yet and I’m making sure that it is never going to happen.

I cannot bear to see her hurt like the others from falling. Judging from past experiences, my emotions are definitely getting more fragile. As much as they are getting stronger in some situations, they are getting weaker in some other places too. It’s like give and take. You earn some and you lose some.

Kiara my baby, please don’t jolt me with your wild antics again. I cannot afford to see you hurt. And if you were to be sent to the hospital, I don’t have enough moolah. Run and jump into as many high places as you want in the house, but never jump onto the window’s ledge ever again. That is the reason why I have to keep you in the cage at night. It’s all for your own good.

I love you, my black beauty.

Sunday 21 June 2009 @11:17 pm

It’s already been two weeks past by brother’s wedding. Marriage had gotten him living at the wife’s place. He hasn’t been home a lot and I can feel the difference it made to the environment of the house. He did come back though, once in awhile.

So, yeah, I haven’t been updating this blog. So many things had been said and done. A lot of things had happened. Good and bad; life still got to go on. But we’re all holding on. I hope we all won’t stop holding on.

School had started one week ago and I skipped one lesson. I was having migraine and until now, I think there’s something wrong with me. I can’t bear to skip any training for my IG this week because we have two shows scheduled for this week. I’m getting excited about it.

If I’m ever in the mood to update this blog, I will do so. The only last thing I would like to say is that people can be deceiving.



Born in Singapore.
Raised in Singapore.
Still in Singapore.
21 years old.


spammers, you're here for my entertainment.
Leave if you hate it here.



1) Romance in 2010.
2) Laptop keyboard protector.
3) Water-proof windbreaker.
4) Watch Eclipse movie [June 2010]
5) "Fast Times At Barrington High" album [The Academy Is...]
6) "City Of Glass" book [author: Cassandra Clare]
7) Skateboard
8) Twilight DVD
9) Watch Twilight movie [Dec 18]
10) Watch New Moon movie [Dec 2009]
11) Black cat.
12) "Dewey" book [author: Vicki Myron]
13) "City Of Ashes" book [author: Cassandra Clare]
14) "Brand New Eyes" album [Paramore]
15) New handphone.
16) 2 new pair of jeans.
17) Laptop mouse.
18) Headphone.



Angels and Kings
Gamelan Naga Kencana

GNK Atiyah
GNK Suhailah
GNK Wahidah
Siti Nurulhuda


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
October 2010


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